Every Six Months

Well it is that time of the year again..

Got the Garfield postcard reminding me that the dentist appointment was coming up in a few weeks.  Ugh… I already started to worry…

You might be thinking..  Come on Lori, you are a grown up, it is time to stop worrying about your dental visit..  You’ve been there a million times..

Problem is, it is not for me..  It is for Reese, my 6 year old..

Why is that??

Does the dentist scare her and it is a big ordeal to get her there? Nope!  Not that at all!  She loves the dentist..  Who wouldn’t these days as a kid..  flavored toothpaste and fluoride, even flavored gloves..  A tv on the ceiling with every kid show imaginable..  Cool glasses to wear to shade your eyes from the light..  Video games in the waiting room..

The cost..  It is always so much and insurance doesn’t always cover a lot..  Nope not worried about that..

I’m sure those of you with kids probably have guessed..

I am worried about…

How will I do as the parent of the patient??

Did I have her brush enough?

I know we hardly have flossed.. I have ruined her teeth..

Have I let her have too many sweets??

What will the dentist think of me if she has a cavity?????  Does that make me a bad mom?

Now the rational part of me knows that lots of kids of amazing parents get cavities.  Some kids/adults that take great care of their teeth just are born with bad teeth more susceptible to cavities or whatever..  It doesn’t make me a bad parent.

Unfortunately the rational part of my brain cannot compete with my crazy irrational side and so every time we go, every six months, I prepare for my trial.

And even though she has yet to have a cavity and the dentist is so VERY nice I will hold my breath until I get the verdict..


One thought on “Every Six Months

  1. Lori, I love how you wrote this post! I was on the journey of trying to figure out why you might be so anxious about the dentist! I can imagine as a parent everything feels like a test of your parenting skills and whether or not you’re doing a “good job!” So happy Reese is cavity free and you get to be guilt free!

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