Massage thoughts

I have a hard time shutting off my brain. Especially when I’m supposed to be relaxing. At that time my brain reminds me of a curious 2 or 3 year old with nonstop questions.

A most recent experience I had with this was in January while I was getting a massage. An hour where both my body and mind should relax and zone out but instead…

Do they get bored doing this all day?

What if someone smells really bad?

Can they refuse the smelly customers or is that discrimination?

Or do they just light more candles and use the stronger smelling lotions?

Bet they’ve seen some weird stuff..

Stop thinking random stuff and enjoy your massage.

Wonder if they ever see or feel something and think uh-oh that doesn’t look/feel right..

If so would they tell you to get it checked out?

They have to touch people with gross feet!

Can they ever refuse and not touch the gross feet?

Why does this matter Lori?  You are not going to do this as your job..

Would I ever want to do this as my job?

What are they thinking about all day in this quiet?

man I love to talk.  It’d be hard for me to be quiet that long

Wish my husband was a professional massage therapist.

Or maybe not because he might not want to bring his work home and I’d never get a massage

Stop thinking random stuff and enjoy your massage it’s almost over!!

Do I know anyone who is a massage therapist who I can ask these questions to?

Has anyone asked her these questions?

and on and on and on until she said “Your time is up!  Hope you enjoyed your massage!”

Guess I’ll have to try again..  maybe I’ll eventually run out of questions.



6 thoughts on “Massage thoughts

  1. I know exactly what you mean! My mind is thinking a thousand things during a massage and I keep telling myself to stop it and enjoy it before it’s over!

  2. I’m dying!!!! I have so been here! I often think about if they prefer people to talk to them or not while they’re massaging… So many thoughts!

  3. This is the best post I have seen all day! I love the title. unnecessary focus when you need to relax. I think you need to pin this term! Make it a Meme or something! LOL.

  4. My mind used to race just like this but after years of yoga and meditation practice under my belt I just fall asleep now instead.

  5. This is hysterical. Completely captures all that we want to say during a massage, but at the same time, I don’t want that person talking to me during my massage.

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