Your welcome??

I am somewhat of a grammar/spelling snob- After all I did win the third grade spelling bee in my school.  Winning word- gentlemen- still remember to this day!!

No judging as I am sure most of my posts have had errors- some because of the time crunch of getting it in on time and some because I’m pretty good at grammar but by no means an expert.

I know when and how  to use their, they’re, and there; to, two and too.  I’m pretty sure I use a colon and semi colon correctly.  All that good stuff- that “above average grammar people” know.

I get asked to proofread things for my friends and family.

I get irritated when people constantly make the same easy  grammatical  errors; but get amused when they do and are trying to sound high and mighty- nope you now just sound like a fool.

I once dropped a college course because the professor had so many grammatical errors in his syllabus.  To be a bit fair it was 3 more credit hours than I was used to taking that semester so the thought of dropping it already occurred to me BUT it was the ridiclous errors-they were ALL OVER-spelling, grammar, everything.

Anywho the grammar snob in me was quite embarrassed the other day when after ALL these years I realized a mistake I had been making with the words your and you’re!

I totally understand both.  Your is possessive and you’re is a contraction meaning you are.

I use them correctly all the time (at least I think I do) EXCEPT for (which I just realized) when I was spelling the phrase “you’re welcome”.  Until very recently I was writing “your welcome” until someone pointed out to me that it is actually “you’re welcome” as in “you are welcome”, not “your welcome” like the welcome belongs to you.

Definitely knocked me back of few pegs on the grammar snob ladder!!

Apologies to all those grammar errors I have laughed at in the past 🙂

6 thoughts on “Your welcome??

  1. As one grammar snob to another, this just goes to show that we have to be careful of our snobbery. As they say, pride goes before a fall. I know I make plenty of mistakes myself (only not as many as other people!)

  2. I’m terrible at self-editing, but can edit other people much easier. That said, I endeavor to write properly all of the time. I feel like I should since it’s what I expect of others.

    Do you follow Grammarly on Facebook or Twitter? If not, you will want to. I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I do!

  3. I love this!! You set it up nicely and then shared a mistake you make; I like that you can find the humor in that.

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