Airport happenings

Over the weekend I spent some time in the airport and my usual airport wonderings and thoughts (not annoyances.. well maybe a few) once again popped up in my head.

Why in the ticket line does it take people so long?

Why in the security line does it seem like people are clueless what to do?  It can’t be everyone’s first time through security, can it?

Why do people in airports seem to forget you walk on the right side?

And if they do walk on the right side they always walk slowly weaving in and out so you cannot get past them?

Why is your gate number never a low one, but always the high one at the very end?

Or why if the gate number is a low one then that particular airports gate numbers go from high to low?

I wonder if my bag will ever be the first one out of the baggage claim chute.  I think that would be pretty sweet.

People in airport bars are always friendly- why shouldn’t they be, they are probably going on vacation.

Why does it take people so long to get seated in the plane.  Don’t they ever think about getting things out of their bag beforehand or at least having a plan of attack?

Isn’t people watching at the airport pretty good?

Definitely looking forward to my next trip to the airport





5 thoughts on “Airport happenings

  1. I love people watching at the airport. My favorite experience was Miami International. I taught in South America for three years and always flew through Miami, gateway to the Caribbean and South America. It was fantastic. People of every possible hue with huge boxes and lots of luggage. All sorts of languages and accents. It was fascinating.

  2. I love people watching at the airport. I’ve also thought about many of those questions. Especially the one about the gate at the end when you have a tight lay over!

  3. Boy the airport is a potential for disaster, isn’t it. I love how you approached these annoyances with wonder.

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