Ms. Seidelman is My Girlfriend

My whole teaching career I have taught kids 3rd grade or younger- the youngest being my current position now in kindergarten. One of the things I love about that age group is (for most kids)  that they usually love school and love their teachers still.  There are a lot of hugs and pictures drawn and notes written and I love yous, especially from the girls.

A few boys will openly seek out my hugs and I will get the occasional note or picture from them but mostly it’s the girls.  Over my 10 year teaching career I have heard a few times from moms that their boy who’s in my class really likes me or has that school boy crush on me and talks about me all the time.  It always surprised me because these were always the boys who were very shy and barely talked socially with me.

This year however it is different.

Caleb is a very shy yet sweet boy in my class this year.  Over the months of kindergarten he has really warmed up to me and I openly get lots of hugs, at least 2 or 3 daily.

Then I was getting the “I will miss you Ms. Seidelman”as he headed home for the day or just into his 25 minute music special.

Then I was getting the daily  “I Love You Ms. Seidelman” as he got into dad’s car.

In February I got 2 Valentines.  “Do you know why I gave you two valentines instead of one Ms Seidelman?” “Why is that Caleb?” “Because I love you Ms. Seidelman.” “That’s very sweet Caleb, thank you!”

Then last week before getting into dad’s car I got the “Can I have one more hug before I go home?”  “Of course Caleb!”

Today the kids were having their purposeful play time at the end of the day.  While Caleb and his friends were playing Legos I was sitting nearby checking email when I heard.. “Hey guys, Ms. Seidelman is my girlfriend” “WHAT??!!” “She’s the teacher??” “I’m just kidding (Caleb trying to save face)”.  I think he was successful!

How very sweet and innocent this is, and it warms my heart to know that he feels love for his teacher.  I’m sure by next year as he walks down the hall like my new first grade, old kindergarten friends do, he will act like he doesn’t remember who I am and that is okay.

I will be okay.

I just hope that when he is 18 and his parents share the scary picture of the teacher that he not only loved but called his girlfriend, that he will be okay..


5 thoughts on “Ms. Seidelman is My Girlfriend

  1. Oh, this is such a funny story! I teach high schoolers, but I always have had a special spot in my heart for the very littlest students. Kindergarteners are so sweet!

  2. You’re such a charmer! Of course all the boys like the cool teacher that you are. What is cool is he will probably remember you forever. I don’t even remember my kindergarten teacher, so if these kids remember you as an adult, you did your job!

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