A Friday favorite

One thing I love about Fridays at school, beside it leading into the weekend, is because one of the kids is the “super hero of the week”.  This means that they have filled out an all about me poster and if they wish, have brought in a book to have me read and an item to share for show and tell.  They will present their poster and the class and I will interview them. Afterwards I’ll take their picture by their poster wearing their super hero cape to display on our bulletin board with their super hero mask.  The kids will each decorate a page for the “super hero” and I will put them into a book for them as a memory of their day in kindergarten.

I love this for many reasons.

I get an even closer look into my student’s lives outside of school.

it gets everyone a chance to shine and be the kid everyone wants to talk to and share with that day.

It gives the kids an opportunity to find common connections with other kids in the class

The kids love it.

It goes along with a teaching standard in speaking and listening.

But my MOST favorite part of this is the question and answer part (the interview) with the kids.

May first they don’t really understand what to ask so I model a bunch and basically it ends up being about their favorite “something or another” which is perfect for this age group.

Most questions are usually things like…

”what is your favorite candy” or

”what is your favorite sport”

But we do get some interesting ones…

”what is your favorite thunder?”

“favorite star in the sky?”

“favorite flag?”

“favorite pants?”

“favorite sight word?”

”favorite chair?”

most of the time the kids don’t know how to answer those odd questions (can’t blame them) so they just answer with things like “these pants” or “bright stars” or  “that flag (pointing to the US flag) or “my chair at school”, all the while most kids are waiting on pins and needles to find out these answers.  Oohing and aahing and agreeing with them.  So funny and cute.

Over the years I have had a few kids who are a bit more “with it” and when asked these type of questions look at me like “my favorite type of thunder? How do I answer that?”

I think last years class was the best at these unique questions.  This year, not as much.  The most unique question we got at today’s “super hero interview” and basically all year, was  “What’s your favorite butterfly”

His favorite is the rainbow one-in case you were wondering 🦋





5 thoughts on “A Friday favorite

  1. Getting to know the children individually is always so much fun. This Friday tradition sounds like a great way to get to know them better!

  2. Love how you highlight each one of your students as “super hero of the week!” I’m sure they love it! I like the interviewing part. I teach Kindergarten as well. I do Super Kid of the Week and have a paper that goes home with a list of questions, but LOVE the idea of the kids asking questions!

  3. This reminds me of when we use to have the kids ask a few questions for our star of the day at the start of the year. Bravo that the kids are asking questions. I remember them always saying…I have that…One time I…. It takes a lot of prompting and exposure to have them generating their own questions for a peer…Even if it is what are your favorite pants? Since it’s Friday, I am going to ask…What is your favorite poem? 😉

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