It’s all because I couldn’t have it

Day 8

Any other night before going to bed..  I don’t need any water before bed I’m fine.  I’m still stuffed from dinner.

Night before surgery after the time when you can’t have food and water..  I am so thirsty!  I wish I could grab a big glass of water!  and I am starving!  Dinner was like 3 hours ago!!  I should have eaten more!

Waking in the middle of any random night..  I’m thirsty but to get water I have to get out of bed and walk to the kitchen and get a glass and fill it with water..  That sounds like way too much work.  I’ll survive until morning.  Immediately fall back to sleep.

Waking in the middle of the night before surgery..  I am SO thirsty.  I would crawl 7 miles to get just a sip of water.. How will I make it until morning??  Spend the next 30 minutes obsessing about how thirsty I am, convinced I’ve never been this thirsty in my whole life.

Waking on any random day..  maybe grab a sip of water to quench that thirst from the middle of the night.  All good.

Waking on day of surgery..  I have to be DEHYDRATED!  I will not even make it until surgery.  How can they expect people to do this!!

Morning of any random day..  I’m not that hungry but I should probably have something because once I get to school I will have to wait for lunch.  grab a few grapes..

Morning of surgery day..  I am STARVING!  I have never been this hungry in my life! I could eat everything in the fridge!  I’ll eat ANYTHING!

Leaving the house on a random day.. Fill up my water jug that I can drink at anytime throughout the day, but will most likely bring it home missing a few sips.

Leaving the house morning of surgery.. I am going to drink every sip of this water jug the second I am allowed!  I grab a few back up bottles as well because lord knows I will need them.

AFTER surgery..  drink the mini water bottle they give me.

Husband hands me my big water jug that I had to bring..  No thanks I am good

AFTER surgery..  eat the mini bag a graham crackers they give me.

Husband asks if he can stop to get me anything to eat..  No, I’m not really that hungry..

And just like that..  It’s a miracle, I’m all good!

It’s all because I couldn’t have it..

3 thoughts on “It’s all because I couldn’t have it

  1. Well written and so true. It is like the one time you don’t have your water in your room that you of course wake up and need it the most. Any other night you would never wake up. Crazy how much your mind can mess with you. Hope you are feeling better!!

  2. This made me LOL! I pictured one of my kids when they’re having a late night tantrum reading the “Night before surgery” lines.

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