31 days 31 posts

Well we made it to day 31!

It started out slowly but finished quickly.  I really am glad that I did this challenge and enjoyed it a lot.  Both the writing and reading of others; blogs.

At first it was a little scary to have others read my writing, especially because it was about me personally.  I thought who would want to read about me.  But once I got past that (which didn’t take long) it was actually great to wrote and share about my day or my thoughts and memories that popped up.

I also enjoyed doing this with 3 of my colleagues.  It was interesting to read their blogs and find out more about them.  It was great to be able to talk with them about it or know a particular student or school situation they may have written about.  I think it definitely brought us closer in some way.

I also enjoyed hearing comments from other people that I have never met.  Their encouraging words, similar situations and funny responses gave me confidence to keep writing and maybe start to realize that my stories/life is worth sharing with others.

Definitely will do this again next year and I think I will really miss it.  Thanks for all those who read and commented on my posts and I really enjoyed reading yours as well.

2 thoughts on “31 days 31 posts

  1. Lori, I loved all your Slices and feel like we all learned a little bit more about each other! I’m glad we all made it to the end and completed the challenge!

  2. I, too, find this experience tran-sformative…to read the views of others and have them comment on our own views is pretty awesome. I am glad you and your colleagues experienced this together. We are all writers!

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