It’s the People

It’s been one of those weeks and it’s only Wednesday.

The kind of week where you feel beat up.

The kind of week when you are told everything you are doing wrong but nothing about the many things you are doing right.

The kind of week when rules are broken when it is convenient/or easier for those in charge and not what you know that’s best for the kiddos.

The kind of week when changes are thrown at you last minute and to quote a colleague “disrupts the apple cart (classroom)”. And in a classroom it disrupts the apples (students), especially those unique ones.  It also disrupts the apple sellers (teachers).

My limit was hit by the time I hit lunchtime.  I had lots to do and had recess duty so I normally would skip the lounge and eat in my classroom BUT not today.

Today I needed to be with the people.  My colleagues.

I needed to be able to vent and complain (and swear) and not be judged, but understood because they are living the same work life as I am.

I needed to be around the people who probably had this same week last week or will next week. Or who have been living this week all year long.

I needed to be around the people who make me laugh.

The people who truly care about each other.

The people that have the same love for the kids as I do.

The people who make every great day at school even better and make every hard day a little easier

The people who can help take you away from a crazy day (even if it’s for only 10 minutes) by sharing “run in with the law” stories

The people who make long and dull PD sessions more tolerable and sometimes even fun.

The people who I love to share “poetry” outings with whenever possible.

The people who are my friends; my work family.

The people who you get together with in the summer with your kids with because you want to

The people whose kids you know not just by the stories you hear but because you “know” them.

Thanks to these people, I started the afternoon on a happier note and the day ended better than it started.

And if tomorrow the week continues as it started then I’ll have my people.

It’s the people.  That’s one of the main reasons I love my job..  because of the people- my work family.



8 thoughts on “It’s the People

  1. It’s all about the people, little and small. Our work people are the best and I am so glad they helped turn your day around. 🍎🍏

  2. You are so right!! It’s the people–the family at work–that celebrate with us and cry with us. They get it. It is so important to have those people who get it and get you. Not just colleagues, but friends.

  3. Ugh Lori, I know how frustrated you felt today! I’m so so sorry this is happening. I love that our work family has comforted you! Come vent to me anytime!

  4. I agree with you! It is totally about the people. I wouldn’t survive without my staff! Hang in there… every week always comes to an end.

  5. I hear you!! Today was definitely one of those days for me! I tell you what though, I have never seen you like I saw you today. You are one of the easiest going people I know, so for you to be so worked up, you obviously had some things going on. I hope they ease up, and if you need a laugh, you know where my room is.

  6. I’m sorry, Lori. That’s all I can say — you work so hard and you love the kids and I think you’re fabulous. 🙂

    I’m so glad you have your people. I’ve never met a staff like Edgewood, ever. Best apple sellers I’ve ever met. 🙂

    Hang in there – we are almost to Spring Break.

  7. The kids are definitely our “why”, but to get to our purpose each day we definitely need our people for support. No doubt many of us would have left by now without them. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such amazing friends and work family.

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