Not What I Expected

When the school year started my daughter moved from the 1st-3rd building to the 4th-6th building which are seperate buildings on the same campus.  Not only did the building change but the school day time did as well.  Luckily this year the bus picks her up (yes she has been back at school 5 full school days since October- give or take several weeks when they returned remote around the holidays) at 7:15 right on the corner of our street one house down.  She has 3 other friends on her bus stop so I wait to leave until the bus has picked her up or her friends have arrived.

Because I leave at the same time she started asking me to drive her to school.  She likes the bus but she likes to be a car rider too.  I told her that the school is a few blocks out of the way and if the drop off line is anything like it is at my school (slow moving) that I would run the risk of being late to school.  She understood and never brought it up again.

Just a few weeks ago it was a bitter cold and snowy morning and I got an email from her school stating that if possible please drive your child to school because the busses were running late and they were not sure how late.  Well I definitely was not going to let her stand out at the bus stop in the bitter cold so my choice was to wait with her in the car at the bus stop or just drive her which would give me a better chance of getting to work on time or close enough; slow drop off line or not.

She was excited when she heard I was dropping her off.  Everything went great and the line was very short and moved along great.  I got to school in no time.

The next day the busses were not delayed but it was still very cold so I told her I would drive her again.  She did not expect that and once again was very happy.  She grabbed my bag and lunch and put it into the car.  She gave the dog a treat and reminded me not to forget my phone.  We were a few minutes early so we got to chat and practice her spelling words which we definitely never have time to in the morning.  It was so nice.

She asked me when I would stop driving her to school, remembering that at the beginning of the year I said it wasn’t something that would work out.  I told her when the temperature gets back into double digits in the morning..

Been about 2-3 weeks with plenty of double digit morning temps but she hasn’t ridden the bus since.  I have really been enjoying my mornings with her- the help she gives me, the morning talk time.. and it actually gets me on the road to school a bit earlier- making my mornings at school less hectic before the kids come.

This morning she asked me when I was going to stop driving her to school again, realizing that it definitely wasn’t too cold to wait for the bus.  I told her I’ll do it as long as she wants.  She seems as happy as I am about it,

Sometimes things are not what you expect…  they turn out to be much better.

6 thoughts on “Not What I Expected

  1. I love this story. I have 3 children – two adult age girls and one 10 year old boy. I love all those special moments with them. Cherish every minute. They grow up so fast.

  2. I love this! I truly believe it is the little things they will remember as they get older. This will be a great memory for both of you!

  3. What a nice change of pace. It’s funny how sometimes the things we’re sure won’t work out end up being a sweet spot of our day!

  4. I have never been able to drive the kids due to our start time. This year I can drive the big guy and I love it, enjoy it!

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