What if

This time of the year, for the last 5 years, brings back lots of happy, life changing memories for me.  It was 6 years ago around this time I reconnected with my now husband.  When I think about how it all came together and how I would have never guessed in a million years that I would be married to him today it makes me think..  what if..

What if..  Our friend did not have a big wedding.  (that is where we saw each other again)

What if.. One of us didn’t come to the wedding; it was all the way in Colorado, so definitely not local

What if..  I hadn’t recently made big life changing plans to end my marriage; I would have not been single

What if..  He hadn’t done the same.

What if ..  One of us didn’t hang out after the wedding at the after party; would we have talked as much

What if..  he didn’t send me a Happy Easter message two weeks later

What if..  I wasn’t brave enough to respond by asking him out for some drinks?

When I think about all these what ifs.. it makes me think of other what ifs in my life..

What if.. I didn’t stay for one more drink at the bar the night I met my first husband

What if.. I didn’t decide to finally try and have a baby; I was on the fence about being a mom for so long- I would have never had my daughter- the best thing I never thought I wanted or needed.

What if.. the first district I started my career in did a better job financially and I didn’t get RIF’d because of it; I would have never ended up at my current district which I LOVE

What if.. after my 2nd year teaching in the new district the principal chose me to stay at her school; I would have never found my current school and my co-0workers- which I LOVE

What if.. the kindergarten teacher 9 years ago didn’t decide to try a new grade before retiring; maybe I would have never been placed there and never would have found out how much I LOVE it as I would have never thought I would.

The list can go on and on..  I love thinking what ifs..  but only for the good things..



7 thoughts on “What if

  1. I love this slice and all of your what ifs! Our what ifs are never mistakes…they bring us to where we are meant to be!

  2. I love this way of thinking! I often do what if’s myself looking at the positives! Thank you for sharing.

  3. This was really heartwarming. I love how you reflected on all the what-ifs that lead to the amazing things that you have going in your life!

  4. What if’s always come to my mind as well. Maybe that is why we make such a great team! I am especially glad that your What if’s got you to kindergarten and my What if’s landed me as your teammate!!!

  5. I love all the positives that happened just the way they were meant to . . . and I am glad it led you to us! We can’t imagine our staff without you being a part of it. I especially love how much you love poetry!!

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