Day 6- Thunderstorms

I’ve always loved thunderstorms. Not the really bad ones that cause damage and injuries; just the ones that have lots of noisy thunder and lots of lightning. I love sitting in the garage with the doors open and watching the “show”. The spring is always a good time for this.
Nowadays I no longer enjoy them because my poor dog gets such anxiety about them. She will start shaking at the first sounds of the loud rain. Once the thunder starts to rumble she’s trying to get under our bed. It used to be an easy fix for her when she was a puppy but now that she is bigger it’s a little harder for her to get under there. If the bed is empty she can wriggle her way under but sometimes needs help getting out. If we are in the bed she can’t get under.
Unfortunately there was a storm last night and she (we) had a rough night. She let me try and comfort her but once she and the thunder seemed to calm, the rumbling and shaking started again.
She wouldn’t go outside to the bathroom unless I put her on the leash and walked her out into the yard. She tried and tried and tried to get under the bed with no luck- I was expecting huge holes in my carpet this morning. I was up a lot with her throughout the night- it was like having a newborn but I didn’t mind as it is heart breaking to see her feel so scared and unsafe in her own home.
We’ve gotten drugs from the vet and they kind of worked once but not again.  We bought her s thunder jacket which works for my sister’s  dog but she does not like to wear it. I’ve talked to a friend at work who suggested CBD so I’m gonna try that next.
Hopefully one day she’ll be able to tolerate the storms so I can start enjoying them again!

One thought on “Day 6- Thunderstorms

  1. Hi, I don’t have pets, well only my turtle, so I didn’t know about dogs being scare of thunderstorms. I knew about fireworks, which they are loud , very loud sometimes, but not about thunderstorms. And that there are drugs for this neither. I hope you can find a solution to this matter. Your dog is so lucky to be in an understanding and supportive family!

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