Day 15- Walking the Princess

Today was a great day for a walk with the dog!  As my husband and I were walking her we talked about how different she acts when we are on a walk.  She turns into a princess..

When she is at home she barks at everything.

She barks if someone walks by; luckily the windows in the front of our house are not part of the main living area so she is limited to the small windows in our front door.

She barks the vacuum, the blender or any loud tool my husband might be using in the house or the garage.

She barks at the tv; whenever there is a real dog or animal, or a cartoon or something she feels like barking at.

If she is not getting enough attention she might bark.

When I take her in the car with me she barks at any dog she sees out the window

BUT when we are on our walk she walk like a princess.  One time I was walking her and some ladies talking in their driveway mentioned how she didn’t walk she pranced.

She never barks at dogs that are being walked near us.

She never barks at dogs barking at her through their fenced yards or on a leash in their yard.

She never barks at cars or people or birds or squirrels or anything.

When she is in on her leash, on her walk she is a princess.


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