Rose and Thorn

A few weeks ago while my daughter and I were having our usual bedtime ritual that involves some talk time in her bed, she was wanted to tell me about a new game they played in her class at school at the end of the day.

It was called Rose and Thorn.  I have heard and played this type of game but is was called “Highs and Lows”.  Basically you share one or two great parts of your school day (Rose) and then one “meh” or bad part of your school day (thorn).  I thought that this was a great way to get her to share more about her school day.

So she had me go first and then I told her it was her turn.  She told me she had 2 roses- Mrs. Fisher her principal subbed in her class today while her teacher was at a meeting for a little while before the regular sub came in and her bus driver Mr. Joe gave her a spirit stick (little fabric key chains with words on them the kids collect for accomplishments or great behavior or what have you) on the bus today.  Those were great to hear.

But then it was time for her thorn.  She got all nervous and quiet.  Starting to tell me but stopping. Uh oh I thought “what happened?”.  Usually this quiet time talking before bed is when she opens up about stuff that is bothering her or that happened at school that made her sad (like friend trouble or something).  She is such a rule follower and kind and good student at school that I knew it couldn’t be a “I got in trouble”.

So my stomach starts to worry and the mom thoughts are running through my head. What is she so nervous to talk about it/

Did you have trouble with a friend today? No

Was someone mean to you? No

She tells me I might be disappointed when I hear it.

Did you get in trouble at school? NO!

So after what seemed like forever she told me the horrible “thorn” of her day.  The bad part of her day.  The part that just really stunk.  The part that her mom would be mad about..

“Today during reading, I was working with Blake because he is my partner.  We had to read this story and then answer some questions.  And there were SO many questions and my hand was getting tired and it took forever.  I don’t like to do those comprehension questions.”

And then what?  Was Blake mean?  Did he not help? Did you not finish and miss recess or get in trouble?  What is your thorn.  I was waiting for the dramatic finish that was so difficult to spit out!!

“No, my thorn is I didn’t like doing that reading comprehension work.  That was the worst part of my day doing that reading comprehension!”

Really?  That’s it??!!  Why would you think I would be disappointed?

“Because I didn’t like my schoolwork!”

Oh girlfriend, there are going to be LOTS and LOTS more schoolwork you don’t like and as long as you always do your best and do it I will never be upset.  My little dramatic worry wart.

Rose and Thorn is now a dinnertime game and you won’t be surprised that most of her thorns are doing work she does not like; which is fine with me.



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