Star Saturday

Day 5

When I headed out the door to take Bozie for a walk this morning I saw it. I always seem to forget about it until Saturday morning but usually I’m lucky and it’s there every Saturday.  My Star Magazine!

I admit that sometimes I do read the magazine; I don’t believe anything I read and barely know half the people in it but it is definitely an easy read on an airplane or car trip, or in a waiting room or at the beauty parlor, but that’s not why I subscribe.

I subscribe for the weekly Star Crossword!

those who know me well know I love puzzles of all kinds.  Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, escape rooms, etc. you name it.

Up until the last 2 years I didn’t have a subscription, I would just buy one once in awhile when I was needing my crossword puzzle fix or knew I had some downtime. I like the Star puzzle because it is big (takes awhile) and challenging but NOT too challenging.

About 2 years ago my best friend Shelley who luckily for me just so happens to love puzzles as much as me called one day while I was doing one. She mentioned that she had never done that particular one from Star. I told her that my goal was always to finish one without cheating or looking up an answer but I never had.

The next week she called and said she bought that weeks magazine and did the crossword. She got really close to finishing. I mentioned the same so next thing we knew we were comparing answers to see if together we could finish. We almost did. The rest we looked up.

This turned into our “new thing”.  When we’d talk and have extra time (she lives in Kansas) we’d pull out the crosswords and see if together we’d solve it. We always complete it even if it means looking up answers. But I believe over the past 3 years we’ve successfully solved 2 on our own!

We finally got smart and just got the subscription for like 80 cents a piece instead of getting it at the store for almost $6.00 a week.

I don’t always have time every week; I currently have a stockpile of probably 4 weeks of puzzles that need to be done but I’ll get to them and they won’t go bad.

It’s definitely been a fun addition to our chats and we are certainly learning a lot of kind of useless things by completing those puzzles each week!  Hopefully the studies are right and doing puzzles help keep your brain sharp as you age. If that’s the case Shelley and I will be all set!

2 thoughts on “Star Saturday

  1. I love this! Who knew a trashy magazine could bolster a friendship a few states away and keep you cogntively sharp. I winced at that $6.00 pricetag, though!

  2. I thought that was very brave of you to admit you read Star magazine, but then I realized it was for the crossword puzzle. I love that! I buy Soap Opera Digest, but I actually read it even though I never watch any of the soaps. LOL

    I heard about the research about puzzles keeping the brain sharp so we buy my mom word search books (she doesn’t know enough English to do the crossword puzzles) to help her. She loves them!

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